Legal Notices

The company operating the website


44 Galeries Lafayette – 44 GL

Simplified stock corporation (SAS) with a capital of 147,184,338 euros

Registered Office: 44-48 rue de Châteaudun – 75446 Paris Cedex 09

SIREN Number: 552 116 329 RCS Paris


Publication manager

Damien Pellé, Head of Sustainability at Galeries Lafayette


Sustainability team :

Lucie Rousselot

Jérémy Huynh

Mélanie Miet

Sonia Tarkhani

Natalia Mahmod-Juillard



The website and its subdomains are published by Galeries Lafayette.

The website is hosted by Squarespace.



Galeries Lafayette is not responsible for the content and operation of the websites linked to this website, as well as any damage of any kind that may be suffered by the Customer during a visit to these websites.

Use of this site implies knowledge and acceptance by the Customer of the characteristics and limits of the Internet and related technologies, the lack of protection of certain data against possible misappropriation or piracy and risks of contamination by any viruses circulating on the network. Galeries Lafayette declines all responsibility in the event of misuse or incident related to the use of the computer, Internet access, maintenance or malfunction of servers, the telephone line or any other connection. technical, and sending forms to an incorrect or incomplete address, any computer errors or defects found on the site.



This website is subject to French law.